Have an event you'd like to share? Sweet Owen Magazine accepts event listings free of charge from civic groups, volunteer organizations, churches, clubs, etc. within Owen County. Send your event and a brief description to editor@sweetowenmag.com by 4 p.m., Wednesday, July 27, for the September-November issue.

Tuesday, June 21
EXPLORE with the Owen County Mom Group at the Owen County Park & Fairgrounds
During school breaks and in the summertime, the Owen County Mom Group hosts EXPLORE events geared toward a variety of ages. Locations and times will change depending on the activity. Some will stay local; some will travel a little.
Thursday, June 23
10 a.m., Yoga at the Owen County Public Library
Enjoy moving slowly and breathing deeply. Leave class feeling refreshed and balanced. Suitable for all fitness levels. Follow along on the big screen. Event repeats at 10 a.m. each Thursday.
11 a.m., Walk Away the Pounds at the Owen County Public Library
Follow Leslie Sansone’s 30-minute walking DVD in the library’s spacious meeting room. Increase your energy level, firm your muscles and improve your overall health. Event repeats at 11 a.m. each Thursday.
2 p.m., Teen Program: No-Bake Bake-Off at the Owen County Public Library
Choose one of three recipes: No-bake cheesecake, chocolate pudding pie, or banana cream pie. Make a dessert by yourself or with a partner. Ingredients provided. Winners will receive Bird Dogs gift cards.
Friday, June 24
10 a.m.- 1 p.m., Owen County Farm & Craft Market
Located at 430 Roland Avenue (behind Owen County Farm Bureau), the Owen County Farm & Craft Market is held at 10 a.m. every Friday through October. Shop from a selection of Kentucky Proud fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, honey, body care products, flowers, handmade baskets, and handmade home goods. While you’re there, sit down and enjoy lunch prepared by a local catering business.
Monday, June 27
10 a.m., Stretch & Strengthen Exercise at the Owen County Public Library
Now is the time to work on your flexibility. A strong and flexible core is vital to overall good health. Improve your posture and be energized. This event repeats at 10 a.m. every Monday.
5:30 p.m., Monday Movie Night: Bernie the Dolphin at the Owen County Public Library
Bring your friends and family to see Bernie the Dolphin on the big screen. While Kevin and Holly search for their dolphin friend Bernie, they discover a real estate development plan threatening the baby sea turtles.
Tuesday, June 28
7:15 a.m., Owen County Chamber of Commerce Membership Meeting
The Owen County Chamber of Commerce meets at 7:15 a.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except in November when the annual dinner occurs) at the Owen County Extension Office.
6 p.m., Shell Picture Frame at the Owen County Public Library
We’ll be decorating a picture frame with shells. A wonderful addition to any decor. All supplies provided. For adults only.
Thursday, June 30
2 p.m., Teen Program: Pizza and Board Games at the Owen County Public Library
Hang out with your friends. Eat pizza. Choose from our large variety of board games or bring your favorite from home. Spend the afternoon at the air-conditioned library having fun!
7:30-9:30 p.m., Owen County Night at the Frankfort Aquatic Center
The Owen County Drug Prevention Coalition will host Owen County Night at the Frankfort Aquatic Center free of charge. The Coalition rented the center to give Owen County families a fun summer opportunity to spend time with family and friends in a substance-free environment. Transportation will not be provided.
Friday, July 1
12 p.m., Books@Noon at the Owen County Public Library
This event repeats the first Friday of each month.
Monday, July 4
Independence Day
Tuesday, July 5
Owen County 4-H Fair & Horse Show midway opens.
Friday, July 8
2 p.m., Mystery Book Club at the Owen County Public Library
This event repeats on the second Friday of each month.
Tuesday, July 12
10 a.m., Explore Blackberries with the Owen County Mom Group
Join the Owen County Mom Group at Ayres Family Orchard. Bring a picnic for lunch and play after blackberry picking! Cost is dependent on blackberries.
1 p.m., Bridge at the Owen County Public Library
Enjoy an afternoon of cards and camaraderie. The game is Bridge and all are welcome. Beginners can learn from more experienced players with no fear of ridicule. Come learn or play one of the oldest and most intriguing card games on the planet. This event repeats on the second Tuesday of each month.
Thursday, July 14
6-8 p.m., Mom Meet-Up at Elk Creek Winery
Join the Owen County Mom Group for a “low-key mama event” to meet other moms and participate in an optional craft.
Friday, July 22
Wide Open No Fear Rodeo at the Owen County Park and Fairgrounds
6 p.m., Hazlett Brothers to perform at Bird Dogs Coffee
The Hazlett Brothers Band is a country/southern rock group that comes from central Kentucky. The brothers have roots in Owen County. Bird Dogs Coffee is located at 101 W. Seminary St.
Saturday, July 23
Wide Open No Fear Rodeo at the Owen County Park and Fairgrounds
Thursday, July 28
6:30 p.m., Owen County Cattlemen’s Association Meeting
Location to be announced; call 502-484-5703 for more information.
Saturday, July 30
Course for Change Color Celebration at the Owen County Park & Fairgrounds
Registration for the Course for Change Color Celebration run begins at 5 p.m. The run begins at 6 p.m. Registration is $10 and includes sunglasses and tattoos. Food will be available for purchase. The event is hosted by the Owen County Drug Prevention Coalition and PRISM.
Thursday, Aug. 4
127 Yard Sale begins
Friday, Aug. 5
6 p.m., Food Truck Friday
Hicktown Romeo will perform on the Owen County Courthouse lawn, 100 N. Thomas St. Multiple food trucks, downtown businesses open late. Bring a lawn chair and a friend. Event sponsored by German American Bank.
Wednesday, Aug. 17
8:30 a.m., Brunch & Learn Series
Are you a local cattle farmer in need of an educational credit for cost share? Join Owen County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources Kendal Bowman at United Producers Inc., 86 Bramblett Lane, for the Brunch & Learn series.
Friday, Aug. 19
5:30 p.m., Friday Farmer Fundamentals
Event is held at the United Producers Inc. livestock market, 86 Bramblett Lane. CAIP Ed approved. Call 502-484-5703 to RSVP.