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Calendar of Events | Spring 2022

Have an event you'd like to share? Sweet Owen Magazine accepts event listings free of charge from civic groups, volunteer organizations, churches, clubs, etc. Send your event and a brief description to by 4 p.m., April 15, for the June 1-Aug. 31 issue.

Additional Spring 2022 listings (updated Tuesday, March 29, 2022)

Thursday, March 31

6:30 p.m. — Owen County Farm and Craft Market meeting at the Owen County Extension Office, 265 Ellis Rd.

Tuesday, April 12

6:30 p.m. — Ag Funding Workshop at the Owen County Extension Office, 265 Ellis Road. Cost share applications should be available. Call 502-484-5703 to RSVP.

Friday, April 15

5:30-6:30 p.m. — Friday Farmer Fundamentals at the United Producers Inc. livestock market, 85 Bramblett Lane. CAIP Ed approved. Call 502-484-5703 to RSVP. Event repeats on Friday, May 20.

Wednesday, April 20

8:30-9:30 a.m. — Brunch and Learn Series at the United Producers Inc. livestock market, 85 Bramblett Lane. CAIP Ed approved. Call 502-484-5703 to RSVP. Event repeats on Wednesday, May 18.

Thursday, April 28

6:30 p.m. — Owen County Cattlemen’s Association Meeting, location TBA. Call 502-484-5703 to RSVP. The event repeats on Thursday, May 26.

THE OWEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY offers a variety of programming throughout the year for both children and adults.

Tuesday, March 1

10:30 a.m., Storytime at the Owen County Public Library — An introduction to reading for preschoolers and their parents or caregivers. Activities include reading picture books, singing songs, and making a simple craft. Event repeats every Tuesday when school is in session.

Thursday, March 3

10 a.m., Yoga at the Owen County Public Library — Why not give yoga a try? This class is for all ability levels. We follow a video on the big screen. Wear comfortable clothing to participate. Event repeats every Thursday.

10:30 a.m., Storytime with the Owen County Mom Group — Join the Owen County Mom Group at the Owenton First Baptist Church Family Life Center for a short story, small craft, and a lot of energy-burning fun. Event repeats every Thursday when school is in session.

11 a.m., Walk Away the Pounds at the Owen County Public Library — Get up and get walking! Walk in place to the Leslie Sansone 30-minute walking video in the spacious meeting room. Event repeats every Thursday.

1 p.m., Homeschool Program at the Owen County Public Library —

Come to the library and participate in a scavenger hunt, listen to book recommendations, and decorate your own drawstring bag. Event repeats the first Thursday of each month.

Friday, March 4

Noon, Books@Noon at the Owen County Public Library — This month's selection is "The American Agent" by Jacqueline Winspear. Event repeats the first Friday of each month.

Monday, March 7

10 a.m., Stretch & Strengthen Exercise at the Owen County Public Library — Do you want to stretch and strengthen for better health? Participate in all-standing exercises. Move every muscle to prevent muscle atrophy. Event repeats every Monday morning.

Tuesday, March 8

12:30 p.m., Owen County Retired Teachers Meeting — Items for Meeting the Needs accepted; members to be notified of venue.

1 p.m., Bridge at the Owen County Public Library — Join this informal group of Bridge enthusiasts no matter your skill level. More experienced players will help new players along. Event repeats the second Tuesday of each month.

Thursday, March 10

6-8 p.m., Mom Meet-Up at Elk Creek Winery — Join the Owen County Mom Group for a "low-key mama event" to meet other moms and participate in an optional craft. Expect a group of mamas, some who drink and some who don't, who are navigating motherhood. Event repeats on the second Thursday of each month.

6:30 p.m., Owen County Historical Society Meeting at the I.O.O.F. Lodge — Meetings begin with a period of fellowship and refreshments followed by the program of the month at 7 p.m. The I.O.O.F. Lodge is located at 141 Seminary St.

Friday, March 11

2 p.m., Mystery Book Club at the Owen County Public Library — Event repeats the second Friday of each month.

Sunday, March 13

Daylight Saving Time begins — Set your clocks forward one hour!

Tuesday, March 15

6 p.m., Painting 101 at the Owen County Public Library — A good habit for painters is to visualize subject matter as arrangements of basic geometric forms. To this end, we will paint a slice of cake that will make your mouth water. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Registration required. Event repeats the third Tuesday of each month.

Wednesday, March 16

6 p.m., Homemaker Tea at the Owen County Extension Office — Join the Owen County Homemakers for a special St. Patrick's Day-themed Homemaker Tea. Meet the new Owen County Extension Family and Consumer Science Agent Chelsea Young. In lieu of an event fee, bring a new kitchen item to help restock the office kitchen. Bring a friend and help the Owen County Homemakers increase membership!

Thursday, March 17

St. Patrick's Day

Sunday, March 20

First day of spring

Tuesday, March 22

6 p.m., Area Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association Leadership Training at the Grant County Extension Office.

Tuesday, March 29

National Vietnam War Veterans Day — The John Guill-Polly Hawkins Craig National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) Chapter will honor veterans by spreading the word about National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Please take a few minutes and thank a Vietnam War veteran for their service to America.

Tuesday, April 5

EXPLORE with the Owen County Mom Group at the Pavilion in Georgetown — During school breaks and in the summertime, the Owen County Mom Group hosts EXPLORE events geared toward a variety of ages. Locations and times will change depending on the activity. Some will stay local, some will travel a little.

Saturday, April 9

Spring Smash Demolition Derby at the Owen County Fairgrounds — Hosted by Top Dog Promotions and the Owen County Fair Board. Find more information at Rain date is April 16.

Tuesday, April 12

10 a.m., Technology Tips and Tricks Workshop at the Owen County Extension Office — Interested in learning more about technology? This free workshop will teach easy tips and tricks. Bring your device and questions. Topics will include web browsers, email, security and passwords, smart phones and settings, etc. RSVP by calling 502-484-5703 by April 11. Event repeats Tuesday, April 19.

Saturday, April 16

11 a.m., Owen County StoryWalk and Community Easter Egg Hunt at the Owen County Fairgrounds — The Easter egg hunt will begin at 11 a.m. and end when all the eggs are found. Following the egg hunt, stick around to get some exercise and enjoy the StoryWalk featuring "Too Many Carrots" by Katy Hudson. The StoryWalk will be on display for one week, April 16-23 (weather permitting). This event is sponsored by Three Rivers District Health Department, Owen County Schools, and the Owen County Public Library.

Sunday, April 17


Thursday, April 21

10:30 a.m., Storytime Tales with Tilly and the Owen County Mom Group — Join the Owen County Mom Group at the Owenton First Baptist Church Family Life Center for a special Storytime Tales with Tilly.

Friday, April 29

Deadline to apply for the John Guill-Polly Hawkins Craig National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship — Applications may be obtained at the Owen County High School office.

Deadline to apply for the Owen County Arts Council Scholarship — Applications may be obtained at the Owen County High School office.

Sunday, May 8

Mother's Day


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